Call us now
We are known as the most successful supplier of superior functioning Medical Anesthesia Machine. Our entire range is sourced from the most trusted vendor of the market. These machines are assembled by utilizing superior quality components in accordance with current quality standards with the help of advance tools and techniques. This machine is used in medical and health care units for consulting with patients suffering from anesthesia. Moreover, our valuable customers can avail this Medical Anesthesia Machine in several power capacity ranges according to their specific requirements.
Light weight
Easy to install and operate
Excellent working
Hypoxic Guard Rotameter - Pneumatic Device
Ensures no Nitrous Oxide flow, if oxygen flow is lower than 0.5 ltr/rnln, approx. Minimum 25% (ñ5%) oxygen (1:3 mixed ration between 02 & N20) in surgery Gas Mixture.
Oxy Locked N 20 supply
Oxy failure warning device
Higher efficiency forged regulators & Yokes with S.S Fittings
High Precision pressure reiief cum non return valve
Vaporizer Eithr & Halothane
Change Over me chan ism with oxygen flush (open & close circuit)
Oxygen & Nitrous oxide Gas Inlet point each 3 nos.
Standard Magill's circuit
All Rubber Antistatic Tested
Maya Bazar (North), Near Jublee Cinema Hall, Gorakhpur - 273001, Uttar Pradesh, India.